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W O R K S  O N  P A P E R

While making prints, I fell in love with fine handmade rag paper, and made the early decision to work only on "good paper". Without a real value for a well-made rag paper, many a "good drawing" will be cursed to live it's life on inferior materials. Fine paper is sensual and respects the ink and color. Working on a great piece of paper inspires me to make a work of art deserving of the fine paper it is on. But if that does not happen, then I accept the risk of using a good piece of paper as the cost to seriously make my art.

The works in this presentation are varied in their themes and media (acrylic paint; charcoal; India ink; ink wash; printing inks on monotypes, lithographs, etching; colored pencil; water color; pencil, charcoal, and mixed media); but the one thing they all have in common is they are all works on paper. 

All Content by Richard Gins

© 2015-2024 Richard Gins


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