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I N K  D R A W I N G S

Besides drawing and learning to see, I have two other areas of attention that have become part of my artistic practices. The first is that I start a drawing with no preconception or agenda in order to discover new ideas and images that spring from a blank page. Many times it begins with a wandering line. This form of discovery is difficult and needs continual practice too. It is easy and safe to replicate what we already know and do, or copy what is trending in the media, but to accept the unknown is to risk being a failure. But by taking this risk, you have already succeeded. We do not expect scientists to know their discoveries before their experiments, yet facing the inevitable failures provide the scientist with important information about what did not work and why it failed. Failure brings us closer to true discovery. I understand this part as the Emotional risk.
And my third area of attention and practice with my drawings as well as with other media, is the 
Intellectual process. The skills used by the intellect are logic, linear thinking, definitions, procedures, analysis, themes and series. Combing the emotional risk with the Intellectual process allows me to revisit themes and ideas already of interest and expressed, in order to discover new connections and ideas.


Then the challenge is to manifest these new ideas and themes into real works of art in the material world. Everyone has ideas, beliefs and experiences, but not everyone knows how to express them as real works of art. This is one difference between a “a dreamer” and the skill required of an “authentic artist”.

My best works are the product of these different attentions and disciplines:
seeing”, the physical development; taking the emotional risk to discover; and by using the intellectual process, to know what to say, and how to manifests these ideas into real works of art. When viewed together, the marriage of these different practices create a clearer understanding, and a more complete vision of my artwork and my creative process.

Anchor 2

All Content by Richard Gins

© 2015-2024 Richard Gins


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